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Nikon D3000 with 18-55 VR Kit

Nikon D3000 with 18-55 VR Kit

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New, intuitive Guide mode and extraordinary 10.2-megapixel-image quality provide first-time users with an ideal way to experience the world of digital SLR photography. Through its intuitive user-friendly interface, the Guide mode assists users in choosing shooting modes for a variety of situations and, if they choose, exploring advanced photographic techniques. The Guide mode is easily accessed by the program dial on the top of the camera and displays a variety of shooting situations via the LCD screen, indicating the most appropriate setting for a particular scenario.

 D3000 with 18-55 VR Kit Includes
D3000 with 18-55 VR Kit
AF-S Nikkor DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
AF-S Nikkor DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
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this product is duty free 1 USD is 1.4288 CAD
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Price History Graph for Nikon D3000 with 18-55 VR Kit

US Price History Graph for Nikon D3000 with 18-55 VR Kit

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