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Acer Iconia W700 11.6" 64GB Tablet

Acer Iconia W700 11.6

The Acer 64GB Iconia W700 11.6" Tablet has an 11.6" display with 10-point multi-touch input and a wide 178 viewing angle for consistent color. The screen has a 16:9 aspect ratio and a Full HD 1920 x 1080 native resolution, powered by integrated Intel Graphics 4000. Measuring 0.47" thin and weighing just over 2 pounds, the W700 is a portable tablet you can take with you on the road. The system is powered a dual-core 1.8GHz Intel Core i3-3217U processor. It also has 4GB of dual-channel DDR3 RAM, 64GB of internal storage, a USB 3.0 port, a micro-HDMI port with HDCP support, a microSD memory card slot, a 2MP front camera, a 5MP rear camera, an integrated microphone as well as built-in stereo speakers.

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