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Epson PictureMate PM-400

Epson PictureMate PM-400

Compact, wireless, and designed for high resolution photos, Epson's PictureMate PM-400 Personal Photo Lab uses MicroPiezo inkjet technology to create detailed prints at 5760 x 1440 dpi at up to 5 x 7", ideal for your snapshots and family pictures. It works with 3.5 x 5", 4 x 6", and 5 x 7" paper, as well as No. 10 envelopes, for producing your most common and convenient photo sizes. Also, it is capable of producing a 4 x 6" photo in about 36 seconds. On top of all this, it offers borderless printing, Auto Photo Correction, and thanks to a 2.7" LCD and SD card slot it can function without a computer.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
AdoramaUnited States $269.99 USD $429.23 Buy Now
  US Warranty

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1 day ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$35.10 Tax (13%)
$305.09 USD
x 1.4069 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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