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Manfrotto 190Go! Carbon Fiber Tripod Kit with 3-Way Head

Manfrotto 190Go! Carbon Fiber Tripod Kit with 3-Way Head

The 190Go! Carbon Fiber Tripod Kit with 3-Way Head from Manfrotto is a compact support weighing 4.6 lb that extends up to 62.4" high and folds down to 22.6". Utilizing twist locks, the tripod can be quickly set up and broken down with a simple twist of the wrist. The included MH804-3W 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head matches the 190go!'s compact size by incorporating retractable handles which decreases the overall size when not in use. A built-in spring assists with the tilting motion of the head by compensating for heavier lenses and cameras with off-center loads.

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US Price History Graph for Manfrotto 190Go! Carbon Fiber Tripod Kit with 3-Way Head

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