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Dell UltraSharp U2414H 23.8" Full HD 1080p LED Monitor (2-Pack)

Dell UltraSharp U2414H 23.8

See your work in its best light on the Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24 Monitor. Its upscale design features an amazingly thin 6.05mm border around a 23.8" Full HD display that delivers impeccable images. With this incredible clarity across an ultra-wide 178-degree viewing angle comes the ability to pivot left-and right up to 90 degrees, so you can create a multiple screen arrangement with near-continual imagery between two or more monitor. In addition to 90-degree clockwise or counter-clockwise pivoting capability for use in side-by-side or top-to-top applications, the Dell UltraSharp 24 Monitor - U2414H offers generous height, tilt and swivel adjustments.

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