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Zoom H4n Pro 4-Input / 4-Track Portable Handy Recorder with Onboard X/Y Mic Capsule (Brown)

Zoom H4n Pro 4-Input / 4-Track Portable Handy Recorder with Onboard X/Y Mic Capsule (Brown)

Ideal for guitarists, bassists, and vocalists looking to produce studio-quality tracks on a single travel-friendly device, the brown Zoom H4nPortable Handheld Recorder with Onboard Stereo Microphone Capsule and versatile mic/line/instrument inputs lets you record up to four tracks of high-resolution audio in the palm of your hand. Plug in your favorite guitar and microphone, and enjoy unlimited overdubbing, amp simulation, and a slew of effects to develop your tracks into a polished mix.

See recent price change history for the Zoom H4n Pro 4-Input / 4-Track Portable Handy Recorder with Onboard X/Y Mic Capsule (Brown).

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $159.99 USD $264.13 Buy Now
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5 days ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$5.60 Duty (3.5%)
+$2.22 Brokerage Fee
+$20.80 Tax (13%)
$188.61 USD
x 1.4004 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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Price History Graph for Zoom H4n Pro 4-Input / 4-Track Portable Handy Recorder with Onboard X/Y Mic Capsule (Brown)

US Price History Graph for Zoom H4n Pro 4-Input / 4-Track Portable Handy Recorder with Onboard X/Y Mic Capsule (Brown)

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