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Think Tank Photo Digital Holster 40 V2.0 (Black)

Think Tank Photo Digital Holster 40 V2.0 (Black)

The black Digital Holster 40 V2.0 from Think Tank contains a unique "Pop Down" feature that allows the lens hood to be kept on the camera held in shooting position. For the active shooter, this is a real time-saver. The case is made to hold a regular-sized DSLR such as a Canon 1D, 1Ds or Nikon D3, D4with a 24-70mm f/2.8 with itshood eitherreversed or in shooting position. Your camera can also be placed in the bag with a tripod plate or L-bracket attached to it. This is a form-fitting case, somewhat reminiscent of a western holster - ready to draw and shoot at a moment's notice.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $65.75 USD $117.73 Buy Now
  US Warranty

Ships with Canada Free Shipping.

price updated
4 hours ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$4.60 Duty (7.0%)
+$1.89 Brokerage Fee
+$8.55 Tax (13%)
$80.79 USD
x 1.4573 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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