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Sigma Art 30mm F1.4 DC HSM for Canon

Sigma Art 30mm F1.4 DC HSM for Canon

With new optical configurations of nine elements in eight groups, as well as rounded aperture blades, this updated lens delivers pleasing sharpness and a beautiful bokeh background. Its angle of view is equivalent to 45mm on a 35mm camera (which is similar to that of human vision), its minimum focusing distance is 11.8 inches and its maximum magnification ratio is 1:6.8. The lens optimized power distribution helps to minimize field curvature, prevent a loss of image quality at the edges of photographs and produce outstanding image quality.

See recent price change history for the Sigma Art 30mm F1.4 DC HSM for Canon.

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
Camera CanadaOntario $699.00 $801.72 Buy Now

price updated
1 day ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$90.87 Tax (13%)

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The following prices are older than 14 days; the item is likely discontinued.
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AdoramaUnited States $449.00 USD $713.82 1 month ago
  US Warranty

price updated
1 month ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$58.37 Tax (13%)
$507.37 USD
x 1.4069 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at Adorama

AmazonUnited States See at Amazon See at Amazon 6 months ago
  US Warranty

price updated
6 months ago

+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$64.87 Tax (13%)
x 1.4069 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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B&H Photo VideoUnited States $499.00 USD $797.79 22 days ago
  US Warranty

Ships with Canada Free Shipping.

price updated
22 days ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty
+$3.18 Brokerage Fee
+$64.87 Tax (13%)
$567.05 USD
x 1.4069 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at B&H Photo Video

this product is duty free 1 USD is 1.4069 CAD
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Price History Graph for Sigma Art 30mm F1.4 DC HSM for Canon

US Price History Graph for Sigma Art 30mm F1.4 DC HSM for Canon

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