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Sony HDR-PJ440 HD with Built-In Projector

Sony HDR-PJ440 HD with Built-In Projector

The Sony HDR-PJ440 HD Handycam with Built-In Projector and 8GB Internal Memory features an Exmor R CMOS sensor and a wide-angle Carl Zeiss zoom lens with 30x optical zoom. The PJ-440 captures Full HD 1920x1080 video at 60p and 9.2MP still images to its 8GB of internal memory or to optional media cards. The camera integrates a small projector in the LCD viewscreen door that allows you to project your footage on a screen instead of having to connect your camera to a monitor to show your footage. The camera's Exmor R CMOS sensor is designed for increased sensitivity in low light situations and the Optical SteadyShot image stabilization with Intelligent Active Mode delivers smooth video.

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