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Canon MT-26EX-RT Macro Twin Lite

Canon MT-26EX-RT Macro Twin Lite

Offering the flexibility of radio flash capabilities with a design for close-up shooting, the MT-26EX-RT Macro Twin Lite from Canon uses a a pair of flashes to evenly illuminate subjects when working with a macro lens. When both flash heads are simultaneously fired, a guide number of 85.3' at ISO 100 is possible, and extensive manual adjustment allows you to dial in settings down to 1/512 power. Both flash heads are detachable and, using the 2.4 GHz wireless triggering system, the heads can be easily positioned around the subject for more controlled and dynamic lighting configurations.

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Canon Shop CanadaOnline $1299.99 $1468.99 Buy Now

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4 hours ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$169.00 Tax (13%)

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Camera CanadaOntario $1299.00 $1479.72 Buy Now

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4 hours ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$168.87 Tax (13%)

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AdoramaUnited States $989.00 USD $1572.31 Buy Now
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+$0.00 S&H
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+$128.57 Tax (13%)
$1117.57 USD
x 1.4069 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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