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Canon 12x36 IS III Image Stabilized Binoculars

Canon 12x36 IS III Image Stabilized Binoculars

Canon's third generation 12x36 IS III Image Stabilized Binoculars feature the proprietary IS system adapted from the lens systems to create this compact optic that compensates for hand-shake to make them ideal for a long day of bird or nature watching and sporting events. Utilizing vari-angle prisms placed between the front lens and the main prism, when the internal gyro sensors vertical or horizontal detect movement they direct the prisms to compensate and correct for external the shaking to produce smoother views and panning.

See recent price change history for the Canon 12x36 IS III Image Stabilized Binoculars.

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
Canon Shop CanadaOnline $899.99 $1016.99 Buy Now

price updated
1 day ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$117.00 Tax (13%)

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Camera CanadaOntario $949.00 $1084.22 Buy Now

price updated
1 day ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$123.37 Tax (13%)

Buy at Camera Canada

AdoramaUnited States $699.00 USD $1112.14 Buy Now
  US Warranty

price updated
1 day ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$90.87 Tax (13%)
$789.87 USD
x 1.408 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at Adorama

B&H Photo VideoUnited States $699.00 USD $1117.53 Buy Now
  US Warranty

Ships with Canada Free Shipping.

price updated
in the last hour

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty
+$3.83 Brokerage Fee
+$90.87 Tax (13%)
$793.70 USD
x 1.408 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at B&H Photo Video

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AmazonUnited States See at Amazon See at Amazon Buy Now
  US Warranty

price updated
1 day ago

+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$90.87 Tax (13%)
x 1.408 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at Amazon

this product is duty free 1 USD is 1.408 CAD
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US Price History Graph for Canon 12x36 IS III Image Stabilized Binoculars

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