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Canon RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z

Canon RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z

A powerful multiuse zoom for photo and video, the RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z Lens from Canon is the first of its kind at this focal length and aperture. By utilizing dual Nano USM motors, this lens achieves fast and nearly silent autofocusing. The constant f/2.8 aperture allows for optimal low light performance and provides flattering bokeh for portraits at any focal length. In-lens optical image stabilization offers five and a half stops of correction, or eight stops with Coordinated IS when paired with a compatible camera.

See recent price change history for the Canon RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z.

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
Camera CanadaOntario $4099.00 $4643.72 Buy Now

price updated
9 hours ago

+$11.85 S&H
+$532.87 Tax (13%)

Buy at Camera Canada

AdoramaUnited States $2999.00 USD $4771.53 Buy Now
  North American Warranty
1 year of Canon warranty in Canada or the US.

price updated
in the last hour

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$389.87 Tax (13%)
$3388.87 USD
x 1.408 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at Adorama

B&H Photo VideoUnited States $2999.00 USD $4787.45 Buy Now
  North American Warranty
1 year of Canon warranty in Canada or the US.

Ships with Canada Free Shipping.

price updated
3 hours ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$0.00 Duty
+$11.31 Brokerage Fee
+$389.87 Tax (13%)
$3400.18 USD
x 1.408 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at B&H Photo Video

The following prices are older than 14 days; the item is likely discontinued.
These prices are provided as a reference only. This product may not be available to purchase.
AmazonUnited States See at Amazon See at Amazon 14 days ago
  North American Warranty
1 year of Canon warranty in Canada or the US.

price updated
14 days ago

+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$389.87 Tax (13%)
x 1.408 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

Buy at Amazon

this product is duty free 1 USD is 1.408 CAD
See more US prices for RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z at CanonPriceWatch.com
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Price History Graph for Canon RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z

US Price History Graph for Canon RF 24-105mm f/2.8 L IS USM Z

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