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Canon XA75 UHD 4K30 Camcorder with Dual-Pixel Autofocus

Canon XA75 UHD 4K30 Camcorder with Dual-Pixel Autofocus

The Canon XA75 Professional UHD 4K Camcorder is a compact, lightweight camera featuring UHD 4K capture, a 1" CMOS sensor, two XLR audio inputs, and one each mini-HDMI and BNC 3G-SDI output, which fits right into the ENG category for documentary or journalism-style productions. Updated from its XA55 predecessor, this model features a larger 3.5mm LCD capacitive touchscreen display, a higher resolution tiltable 0.36" OLED EVF, OSD metadata recording, and fast USB Type-C video-only output with UVC support for livestreaming to a computer.

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Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $2799.00 USD $4464.83 Buy Now
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+$10.66 Brokerage Fee
+$363.87 Tax (13%)
$3173.53 USD
x 1.4069 exchange rate
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Canon Shop CanadaOnline $3999.99 $4519.99 Buy Now

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+$0.00 S&H
+$520.00 Tax (13%)

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Camera CanadaOntario $3999.00 $4530.72 Buy Now

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+$11.85 S&H
+$519.87 Tax (13%)

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AmazonUnited States $2799.00 USD $4449.84 Buy Now
  US Warranty

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+$0.00 Duty and Brokerage
+$363.87 Tax (13%)
$3162.87 USD
x 1.4069 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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this product is duty free 1 USD is 1.4069 CAD
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Price History Graph for Canon XA75 UHD 4K30 Camcorder with Dual-Pixel Autofocus

US Price History Graph for Canon XA75 UHD 4K30 Camcorder with Dual-Pixel Autofocus

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