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Pelican 1510SC Studio Case with Lid Organizer and Yellow Divider Set (Black)

Pelican 1510SC Studio Case with Lid Organizer and Yellow Divider Set (Black)

The black Pelican 1510SC Studio Case with Lid Organizer and Yellow Divider Set provides ample room for your travel needs with a durable, weatherproof design. The case features a durable hard plastic exterior that can stand up to the abuse of travel thanks to its crushproof design. Additionally, its O-ring seal helps keep out dust, dirt, and water so your items remain protected. The case also has a built-in automatic pressure equalization valve. The rugged polypropylene shell is also designed to resist harmful chemicals as well as corrosion.

See recent price change history for the Pelican 1510SC Studio Case with Lid Organizer and Yellow Divider Set (Black).

Site SupportersStoreBase PriceFinal Price (Incl. Tax, S&H)
B&H Photo VideoUnited States $262.95 USD $459.03 Buy Now
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5 hours ago

+$0.00 S&H
+$18.41 Duty (7.0%)
+$2.87 Brokerage Fee
+$34.18 Tax (13%)
$318.41 USD
x 1.4416 exchange rate
includes 2.5% exchange fee

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Price History Graph for Pelican 1510SC Studio Case with Lid Organizer and Yellow Divider Set (Black)

US Price History Graph for Pelican 1510SC Studio Case with Lid Organizer and Yellow Divider Set (Black)

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